Our review of Non-Executive Directors’ (NED) remuneration covering the ASX 300 and the NZX 50 through to the end of the 2017 calendar year reveals generally modest fee increases.
The KMP Report: Cost and Complexity of Governance ASX Top 200
Our last research report dealing with the cost of governance was published in July 2014. Recent discussions arising from our advisory work and highlighted in Board responses from comments made by institutional investors and their advisers and issues recently arising in the Royal Commission into the financial services sector, have made several supplementary issues front and centre.
Lessons from the 2017 AGM Season
The Australian Securities & Investments Commission issued Report 564 in January this year.
KMP Report No. 21 : Director Fee Data for ASX 300 and NZX 50 Boards
Egan Associates has published our annual KMP report detailing fees for Non-Executive Directors among top companies listed on the ASX and NZX.
KMP Report No. 20 : Proxy Advisors – The Case For and Against Additional Regulation
Egan Associates has completed a special report summarising views and suggestions on on the regulation of proxy advisors in Australia and reviewing the actions of other jurisdictions.
KMP Report No. 19 : The LTI Revolution
Egan Associates has prepared a special report on UK proposals for new styles of long term incentives that will be better aligned with the long-term interests of companies and shareholders.
KMP Report No. 18 : 2016 AGM Season Proxy Advisor Views
Egan Associates has prepared a summary of 2016 institutional investor and proxy advisor views for your reference.
KMP Report No. 17 : Director Remuneration Trends for ASX 300 and NZX 50 Boards – 2015
Egan Associates has published our annual KMP report detailing remuneration trends for the top companies listed on the Australian and New Zealand stock markets.
KMP Report No. 16 : 2015 AGM Season Proxy Advisor Views
We have prepared a summary of updated proxy advisor and institutional investor views for your reference.
KMP Report No. 15 : Remuneration Trends for ASX 300 and NZX 50 Boards
Egan Associates has published our annual KMP report detailing remuneration trends for the top companies listed on the Australian and New Zealand stock markets.